About Airdrop
Captain Tsubasa is a legendary football manga series created by Yoichi Takahashi in 1981. It chronicles the journey of Tsubasa Ozora, a young and exceptionally talented football player chasing his dreams. Over 90 million copies sold worldwide and translations in over 20 languages. This iconic series become a global sensation, inspiring generations of footballers, including legends like Zinedine Zidane and Lionel Messi. It has greatly expanded into anime, movies, and video games, becoming a cornerstone of Japanese pop culture.
Taking its legacy to the blockchain, Captain Tsubasa Airdrop invites fans into an exciting Play-to-Earn (P2E) on telegram. This innovative platform combines the thrill of football with blockchain technology. It’s allowing users to build teams, score goals, and earn rewards in a gamified digital universe. The airdrop campaign introduces participants to the Captain Tsubasa experience while offering token rewards. This is to make it a unique opportunity for fans and players alike to engage with the legendary series in a whole new way.
Follow our complete and simple and simple step-by-step guide to participate!
Step-by-step guide
- Start the Tsubasa Rivals Bot on Telegram.
- Complete the social tasks:
- Follow Captain Tsubasa on Twitter.
- Follow TsubasaRV on TG for updates and announcements.
- Connect with the Tsubasa Rivals Community.
- Build your team, play games, and earn rewards in the Play-to-Earn ecosystem.