Fetch Airdrop

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Fetch Airdrop is live!

Fetch is a decentralised digital representation of the world in which autonomous software agents perform useful economic work. Fetch is already listed on Coinmarketcap.

Fetch Airdrop is worth 10 FET tokens (~$1,5), also you will get 10 FET for each referral.

Fetch airdrop -2

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to the Fetch airdrop (Telegram bot).
  2. Pass the verification from the bot.
  3. Join their Telegram Group and Channel
  4. Follow them on Twitter.
  5. You will get 10 FET tokens.
  6. Also get 10 FET for each referral.

Don’t forget to join our Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops!


Get Airdrop

⚠ Never share your private key with anyone!
⚠ Never spend money to get free tokens!

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