Infinity Arena AMA Event

infinity arena logo

  • Closes in: Expired already

  • Estimate value: N/A


Infinity Arena AMA Event is closed!

Infinity Arena is a place to connect players who love tactical card games or have passionate about collecting valuable and rare NFT cards.

Infinity Arena is hosting its first community AMA series with CEO David TO on this 30th, August at 1 PM UTC. Participants are able to claim a share of $150 BUSD as a reward pool. Check our complete and simple step-by-step guide to participate!

Infinity Arena

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Join InfinityArena on Telegram
  2. Follow InfinityArena on Twitter
  3. Like & Retweet the post & tag your 3 friends and comment your question by replying under the tweet


  • 100 $BUSD for 5 best questions during AMA.
  • 50 $BUSD for 5 best questions on Twitter.
  • Make sure to complete all tasks to receive the rewards.

Don’t forget to join our Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops!



⚠ Never share your private key with anyone!
⚠ Never spend money to get free tokens!

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