Pacific x NFTb Airdrop

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  • Closes in: Expired already

  • Estimate value: N/A


Pacific x NFTb Airdrop  is closed!

Pacific is a cross-chain marketplace for NFTs, compatible with Polkadot, Ethereum, and BSC to Trade, collect, and auction digital assets and crypto collectibles. Pacific and NFTb is giving away 2000 rare_Ki NFT to random 2000 users. Follow our simple step by step guide to participate!

passific airdrop

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to Pacific x NFTBomb Airdrop
  2. Complete social tasks
  3. Submit Details
  4. Enter yoiur BSC Address

Good luck!

Airdrop will close by 22th of October, 2021

Don’t forget to join our Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops!


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⚠ Never spend money to get free tokens!

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