SDAT Exchange Airdrop

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SDAT Exchange Airdrop is live!

SDAT Exchange is a global member-to-member decentralized exchange running on the ultra-fast SDChain (SDA) Network. Awesome projects are listing on SDAT Exchange for public trading this year, with pre-listing SDAT member-only private placement opportunities for IEO, ICO, and real estate STO.

SDAT Exchange Airdrop is worth up to $385, also $3 for each referral.

SDAT Exchange Airdrop

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to the SDAT Exchange Airdrop (Telegram bot).
  2. Join one of the 10 SDAT Telegram regional groups.
  3. Visit their website and register an account.
  4. Enter your name, email, SDAT wallet address.
  5. Follow SDAT on Twitter.
  6. Share your referral link on social networks to win referral bonuses.
  7. Bind your USDT withdrawal address for security.
  8. Buy SUSDT, world’s fastest 1:1 USDT token.
  9. Buy SDA with SUSDT & experience ultra-fast DEX trading speed.
  10. Stake SDA at a Battle Camp.
  11. Investment funds may apply to join SDAT Alliance,(optional).
  12. Submit your bounties and earn referrals before the end of every month, payable in 30 days.

Don’t forget to join our Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops!

Get Airdrop

⚠ Never share your private key with anyone!
⚠ Never spend money to get free tokens!

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